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en he lived in America. He didn't want his Daddy and Mommy to fight!Lin Meng also felt that this matter had to be explained, lest it hurt the little guy. She came up with a quick solution and relucta...He Yajun held an art exhibition, and Lu Youdao was also among the invited guests. (....tw good-looking novels) He had a talent in this area originally, and after Rong Ling's sponsorship, he went to the United States and was willing to put in the effort to learn. He had already gained quite a reputation in the photography world. Such a person who was already famous abroad would definitely be worshipped when he returned to China.

Since He Ya was holding an art exhibition, she naturally needed some celebrities to grace the event! The person in charge of external relations didn't know about the grudge between Lu Youdao and He Ya. They were overjoyed to send an invitation to Lu Youdao, who happened to be in the country. Now was the perfect time for Lu Youdao to take revenge on He Ya!

Although he doesn't paint, that man has eyes like a hawk. Because of his fame and the fact that he hangs out with some big names in the art world, he wasn't shy about criticizing them when they were around! Some people might not know who Lu Youdao is, but just by looking at the heavyweight figures standing beside him, you can tell he's no ordinary person. It goes without saying that he must be considered a "master" of his craft.

When the master pointed it out, the people attending the exhibition immediately swarmed over.

He Yabian held this exhibition precisely to demonstrate her innocence. Due to the hasty preparations, the displayed artworks were of varying quality. Lu Youdao's blunt critiques exposed several pieces as mediocre, leaving the surrounding observers feeling embarrassed and awkward. Upper-class society prized status, recognition, and approval. Realizing they had been blindly admiring these works, even feigning appreciation, they felt a burning shame on their faces. Several individuals who had pretended to understand and praised the artworks before Lu Youdao's critiques now desperately wanted to slip away unnoticed!

The commotion here immediately drew He Ya's attention. Who doesn't know that today's exhibition was hosted by He Ya, from the He family Who is so shameless to cause a scene here! He Ya suppressed her anger and approached with a cold face. Upon seeing Lu Youdao, she felt a sense of familiarity!

>Who are you!

“Droad!” Lu Youdao directly reported his English name, a combination of dream (夢) and road (路)!

This name is much more familiar than his Chinese one! After winning numerous high-profile newcomer photography awards, this young man's latest work has also been shortlisted for the American Photography Awards and is expected to compete for the top three.

Given his stature, he seems no less impressive than anyone else present today! When he utters such words, there is simply no room for argument, only humble acceptance!

He Ya couldn't help but a blush crept onto her face, but facing him, she had to force a smile and respond, "I didn't expect you to attend my exhibition. I'm truly honored. Mr. Droad, I've always admired you deeply and have long hoped for the opportunity to chat with you one-on-one. How about we go over there and talk"

She purposely raised a sweet smile, allowing her graceful figure to blossom even more elegantly. She hoped that this young figure in the art world would be captivated by her beauty and agree to her request. As long as she could get him alone, she was confident she could change the current terrible situation and prevent him from criticizing them further!

How could Lu Yuda agree to He Ya!

“I'm sorry, I think I can't fulfill your request. Although you admire me, I have to say, your level really needs to be improved! Furthermore, your drawings here are simply too crude. I—“

He sighed. "I heard that the lady who organized this exhibition today was very talented, so I came full of excitement. However, I didn't expect to be faced with such a mess!"

He Yajie could no longer conceal the gloom that had settled on her face. Her hands, which had been gracefully resting at her sides, were now clenched into fists. Because she had to endure twelve points of effort, so as not to roar at the young man in front of her who seemed to be younger than her!

The guests around her looked at He Ya with eyes of disdain, contempt, and amusement... This made her once again feel deeply humiliated.

"Mr. Droad, you've seen so many good works, I suppose these are beneath your notice, hehe…" He chuckled nervously, He Ya was close to madness, her voice trembling from suppressed anger and sounding sharp. "Perhaps you should look at other works, surely there's something you'll like!"

It's best that these obnoxious young people can criticize the work of those famous artists as worthless, so she can confidently retort and put a "know-nothing" hat on him!

Lu Youdao wouldn't be so easily led around by her.

“Isn’t today your art exhibition! Since it's under your name, I came to see your work. You made me look at other people's works, what is the meaning of this! If that's the case, it might as well be a famous artist exhibition from the start, so those famous masterpieces wouldn't hang here, lowering their dignity!”


One person in the crowd let out a soft chuckle.

This laugh, combined with Lu Youdao's undisguised sarcasm, made her feel even more embarrassed and uncomfortable than if he had slapped He Ya directly!

Gritting her teeth, the anger in her heart surged wildly. She felt as if everyone's eyes were about to strip her bare! It was simply too embarrassing, too infuriating.


She was about to tear through the veil of polite pretense and strike back at Lu Youdao with a vengeance, when, from the other end, chaos erupted. A woman's voice, laced with fury, rose high in the air!

"You are plagiarizing, maliciously encroaching on the labor achievements of others, shameless, too shameless! These are clearly my works, how come they became He Ya's!"

Even the shattering of heaven and earth wouldn't be as astonishing as this!

Everyone turned around in a flash, their attention instantly drawn to a young woman with large-frame glasses who seemed to have an artistic flair. The woman's face was flushed red as she pointed at a painting and shouted angrily, looking quite furious!

"How could you do such a thing! If I hadn't come here today to stand in for my friend, would my work have been labeled with this "He Ya" name from now on! This is outrageous! This is simply outrageous!"

"Shut up!" He Ya finally couldn't bear it anymore. She had been irritated by one person already, and now another woman appeared out of nowhere, pointing at her work and accusing her of plagiarism! This was simply outrageous! This time, she had prepared in a hurry and couldn't come up with enough paintings for the exhibition, so she added some works by famous artists to make it more interesting. However, the rest of the works were all painted by her over the years, piece by piece. When did they become someone else's

"Don't get too cocky!" She couldn't bother with droad anymore, compared to others, that woman's nature was more serious and easier to deal with. (..tw) She pushed through the crowd and strode towards the girl who seemed a little younger than her.

"My work, when did it become yours! Are you going insane, don't you see where you are!"

"You're the one who's crazy!" The girl retorted, not backing down. "That's pot calling the kettle black, haha, ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

The woman sneered at He Ya, "So, you must be that shameless thief -- He Ya, right!"

“Who is the thief!” He Ya’s pretty face twisted slightly. “These paintings are all mine, I am the original author, where did you come from, you woman! I warn you, if you keep making a scene like this, I will call the police!”

The woman bit her lip, as if anger had turned into laughter. She said in a fake voice, "Oh my goodness, I'm so scared!"

The next second, her face changed, anger contorted her features. "Hmph, do you think with a little money you can scare me by calling the police I'm telling you, even if you are rich and powerful, you can't be so brazenly encroaching on other people's work! My work three years ago was criticized by my teacher for being embarrassing to display, yet you, shamelessly put it on display. Even if I were dissatisfied with these works, I would rather throw them away, but they are still mine! I absolutely won't allow my things to be so blatantly stolen!"


This woman's words are even more outrageous than Lü Huaduo's! What does she mean by "the teacher criticized the display of works, so don't embarrass yourself" She's being too much!

"Staff, where are the staff Get this crazy woman out of here for me!"

“You think I’m afraid of you!” The woman with glasses angrily stepped forward and slapped He Ya hard. Because it was in full view of the public, He Ya didn't expect that someone like this would do such a thing in this kind of occasion. She was completely caught off guard. Besides, the woman moved too fast!

"You bitch, you dare hit me!" He Ya went crazy and swore. She raised her hand, ready to fight back.

This act has caused some people to feel resentment and contempt! This is not the way a daughter of a noble family should respond and behave!

The woman in glasses pushed He Ya's arm away forcefully and, with a deft move, slapped her back. She shouted angrily, "I hit you because you are shameless!"

He Yaqi was furious, screaming. "You're the shameless one!"

“Hey girl, calm down, calm down!” One of He Ya’s close friends couldn't help but speak up. If she let He Ya continue like this, she would be embarrassed too. Besides, their families still had to look at the face of the He family. She couldn't stay silent now and persuade He Ya. What if, later on, He Ya realized what happened and wouldn’t let her and her family go!


The woman let out a light sigh, at the mess before her. But she had to step up and walk over to He Ya's side. As she walked, she deliberately spoke loudly, "Whether this is plagiarism or not, it's actually quite easy to figure out!"

She came to He Ya's side, putting a hand on her arm, but without making a sound, she pinched her arm hard, signaling her to stay calm.

"If she insists that these paintings are hers, then why not have her paint another one right now!"

The woman wearing glasses pursed her lips and said nothing.

He Ya suddenly calmed down. That's right, what a good idea! How could she have not thought of it Indeed, she was blinded by anger at this despicable woman. After thinking for a moment, she loudly agreed, "What a great idea! Miss, please draw a picture for us!"

The woman with glasses blinked.

He Ya recognized that she was guilty. She immediately turned cold and threatened, "However, let me make this clear: if you can't draw it, I demand that you apologize to me, and compensate for the damage to my reputation!"

She is He Ya from the He family, not just some random passerby that you can easily offend!

So, you wretched spectacles-wearing woman, you better run like hell, scurry away from here like a hideous rat. Turn back, she'll catch her, and torture her to death!

To everyone's surprise, the girl with glasses raised her chin after a brief silence, accepting the challenge with an air of haughty arrogance.

"Sure, but I didn't bring any drawing tools. This one, I'll have to trouble you with!"

As if her previous hesitation and silence were a lament for the painting supplies.

He Ya looked at her like she was an alien, thinking this woman was practically courting death!

The woman in glasses still had something to say. “Besides, it’s unfair for me to be the only one drawing. I demand that He Ya compete with me on stage. Also, since things have come to this, I ask that everyone present bear witness. I want to prove that these paintings are mine. I won’t make things difficult for He Ya, nor do I need her to compensate me with any vulgar money. I only ask that she remove all those paintings and burn them! If these paintings appear before the world again, I truly feel ashamed!”

After finishing her words, she didn't care if the people present agreed or disagreed. The woman inexplicably raised her aura and shouted loudly, "Bring me a set of drawing tools!"

He Ya sneered and accepted the challenge!

In fact, at this point, it was a matter of her reputation. She had to fight. Otherwise, she would look like the one who plagiarized!

Soon, two sets of painting supplies were brought over and placed in front of He Ya and the woman with glasses.

He Ya was smart after all. She feared that the woman in glasses would resemble this, having been prepared beforehand. Therefore, she kept an eye on things and deliberately took the woman in glasses away from the scene of the incident, casually pointing to one of her old works.


Just draw this!


The woman in glasses looked at the painting and nodded silently.

He Yaya let out a cold snort, and began to move with considerable confidence. With a glance from the corner of her eye, she observed the woman in glasses, but found that she remained motionless.

Cut it out! Idiot! Dare to fight her She'll make you look so pathetic, you'll be crawling back begging for mercy!

He Yan had already started drawing, but the girl with glasses remained still. He Yan was almost done with one corner when the girl with glasses finally took a deep breath and moved!

But, in a flash, the truth was revealed. The woman with glasses wrote incredibly fast, eventually surpassing He Ya and finishing her drawing way ahead of time! When everyone compared the new work to the original painting, the similarity was astonishingly high, as if she were truly the original author of the artwork.

The woman in glasses smiled serenely as she was being scrutinized, her voice softened with a hint of grace. "I apologize, this is an old work from many years ago. My hand feels rusty now, and I can't recapture the original feeling completely!"

This also explains why she was so hesitant to start drawing before! Because, she needed to find back the feeling from then, simulating the mood from back then, and then draw this picture!

This is what a true artist looks like!

While He Ya is able to write immediately, her skill level is significantly lower than the many talented women artists.

At this time, most people's hearts have leaned towards the girl with glasses!

After He Yana calmly finished her painting, many art aficionados shook their heads.

The painting of the girl with glasses is much closer to the original in terms of both technique and artistic conception. Furthermore, the girl with glasses has said that this was a work from long ago, so re-painting it could only be better than the original. The girl with glasses certainly achieved this. Her new painting surpasses the original in terms of lines, which are smoother and more harmonious; the color scheme is also more harmonious, and the handling of light and shadow has been subtly improved! These are all subtle improvements! That is to say, after making these subtle changes, the girl with glasses still tried her best to make her work as close to the original as possible.

This is the original author!

This is real skill!

> While He Yana's work wasn't improving, it even got worse compared to before! After all, she was a wealthy young lady. Learning to paint was merely a pastime and a way to show off her status. Her family was rich and didn't rely on her paintings for income, so she didn't really care about painting that much. Ever since Lin Meng returned home, she had been focused on designing things here and there, leaving painting aside. Now that she picked up the brush again, her hands were clumsy, so how could she possibly reach a higher level

"As you all have seen, right!" The woman in glasses looked down at He Ya arrogantly, her voice booming. "Immediately take down all of my works and burn them! Everyone here today is my witness!"

"How dare you think you won!" He Ya shouted angrily, acting like a fool. "We haven't even judged yet! You shameless plagiarist, you stole my painting and still have the audacity to be so arrogant!"

The woman with glasses pushed them up her nose and let out a cold snort. "I feel like I'm lowering myself by even speaking to you! Hmph, you better hope this face of yours can actually follow through on what you say!"

After finishing, he strode away.

The onlookers quickly scattered to the sides, voluntarily making way for her!

This already shows respect and approval!

Several well-known artists had enough and stormed off in anger!

This family still boasts about being a renowned family for centuries, yet the woman they produced would commit such an unrefined act! It's truly embarrassing and disgraceful!


It's time to vote for the next chapter! Please cast your vote if you like this story, o(n_n)o Thank you!words. But Bingbing, being just a child, couldn't handle those heavy accusations. Countless times, Bingbing would come running to her with tears, seeking comfort.This is not even the worst part. For s...

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